Master Classes and Open Lectures
The short-term academic staff exchange programme is designed for guest lecturers from a foreign partner university. A visiting fellow is invited to Ƶ to give a lecture/master class or a course on various subject areas during 6 - 34 academic hours. A course title (subject) and a mode of instruction are to be agreed with the respective Department. Course requirements and target students are negotiated in advance with a partner university or directly with a lecturer. Schedule of classes is arranged by Ƶ depending on the target students workload. Participants from third-party universities and organisations may be attracted, if agreed.
Certificates may be issued to course / master class participants.
The programme should be agreed on content, duration and dates 6 weeks before the course starts.
Series of Thematic Lectures
The international programme is intended to invite guest lecturers from a foreign partner university to give a series of thematic lectures/seminars or a course on various subject areas to target students during 1-2 semesters with a course load of 34 - 100 academic hours.
Proposed course title (subject) is to be agreed with the respective SP Department and included in the degree students curriculum as an elective course.
The course should be agreed on content, duration and dates 6 months before it starts.
Professional Development Programmes
The international professional development programme is developed in cooperation with a partner university. The syllabi are exclusively designed for each educational programme and agreed on subject area and teaching methods with a partner university. The duration of a programme may vary from 10 days to several months with 72-500 academic hours course load.
The programme may include lectures delivered by Ƶ leading professors, workshops, master classes, teaching practice and course materials design, projects and company visits.
All participants can take an intensive course of the Russian Language which may be a part of the professional development programme. The preparation and public presentation of a course project may be organized in Ƶ or a partner university.
Certificates may be issued to the course participants upon successful completion.
The course should be agreed on content, duration and dates 3 months before it starts.
Joint research and creative projects, international competitions, conferences and seminars
Researchers and lecturers from partner universities have opportunities to carry out joint or parallel research, share the findings through co-authored publications and patent joint inventions. Terms and conditions of joint research are set forth in an additional agreement with a partner university or directly with a foreign applicant.
Researches and lecturers from partner universities may organize international creative projects (contests, exhibitions, academic competitions) in collaboration. Terms and conditions of such activities and projects are set forth in an additional agreement with a partner university. Events may be held simultaneously at Ƶ and a partner university or in turn. The creative project should be agreed on content, duration and application deadline 6 weeks before the event.
Terms of Participation
All programmes offered by Ƶ are designed for academic staff of partner universities and subject to terms of exchange and cooperation agreements.
Terms and conditions of participation for visiting fellows from non-partner institutions are discussed individually.
All lecturers participating in the international programmes are offered on-campus accommodation for the whole period of stay.
A range of dining options for international programme participants are available in cafes and restaurants located in the university building, dormitories as well as nearby foodservice outlets.
All incoming participants of the mobility programmes for international academic staff are required to have health insurance for the duration of their stay in the Russian Federation and follow the Rules of foreign citizen’s residence in the territory of the Russian Federation.
Guest lecturers are responsible for expenses associated with their own travel, accommodation, and meals except as otherwise provided in an additional agreement with a partner university.
For further information about the programmes, please contact the International Relations Department.