Research Centres

The main research directions are developed by departments and research laboratories.

Laboratory of information technologies

Research Director: Avinir Gennadevich Makarov
E-mail: makvin@mail.ru
Tel./Fax: +7 (812) 315-74-70
Address: 18 Bolshaya Morskaya st., Saint-Petersburg, 191186, Russia.

Research subjects in 2020-2022

  • Development of scientific bases and methodology of mathematical modeling, computer forecasting and optimization of functional and operational properties of polymer textile materials for a given purpose.

Areas of scientific activity

  • Mathematical modeling and computer forecasting of the deformation properties of polymer materials;
  • Development and optimization of mathematical models of viscoelasticity of polymer materials;
  • System and computer analysis of the deformation properties of textile materials.

Laboratory of machine mechanics

Research Director: Alexey Vladimirovich Markovets
E-mail: vujo@rambler.ru
Tel./Fax: +7 (812) 310-15-61
Address: 46 Voznesensky prospect, Saint-Petersburg, 190068, Russia.

Research subjects in 2020-2022

  • Modeling and research of fundamental tasks of nonlinear mechanics of machines aimed at improvement kinematic, dynamic and exploitation characteristics of textile and light industry machines

Areas of scientific activity

  • Research of cyclical mechanical systems of complex structure in relation to the solution of modern problems of designing technological machines;
  • Development of multidimensional dynamic models with mathematical descriptions of processes and mechanisms for textile and light industry.

Laboratory of oriented polymers mechanics

Research Director: Ekaterina Sergeevna Tsobkallo
E-mail: tsobkallo@mail.ru
Tel./Fax: +7 (812) 310-41-16 , +7 (812) 315-15-74
Address: 46 Voznesensky prospect, Saint-Petersburg, 190068, Russia.

Research subjects in 2020-2022

  • Development of functional composite materials in the form of blocks, films and filaments based on polymer matrices and fillers of various structure, type and shape and establishment of relationship between their properties and structural features.

Areas of scientific activity

  • Research of the structure and properties of natural fibers exposed to various external influences.
  • Study and forecasting of relaxation processes in polymer and composite materials (including nanocomposites).
  • Development of modern research methods of the structure and properties of fibrous materials.
  • Modeling and measurement of exploitation properties of polymer materials of various structures using modern approaches and digital technologies.
  • Development and improvement of measuring laboratory equipment.

Laboratory of polymer, fiber and composite materials for special purposes

Research Director: Alexander Alexandrovich Lysenko
E-mail: lyssenko@sutd.ru
Tel./Fax: +7 (812) 315-06-92
Address: 18 Bolshaya Morskaya st., Saint-Petersburg, 191186, Russia

Research subjects in 2020-2022

  • Development of theoretical and technological bases for the production of conductive multilayer carbon-carbon and carbon-polymer electrochemical electrodes.

Areas of scientific activity

  • Carbon fibers and other carbon fiber-based materials (including carbon / carbon composites, sorbents, and sorbate technologies;
  • Nanostructured composites with inclusion of carbon nanotubes;
  • Porous polymer materials, special sorbents, nanocomposites;
  • Modification of fibers and polymer materials, ion-exchange sorbents, sorbate technologies, engineering environmental protection;
  • Bioactive materials and materials for medical use;
  • Structural researches of polymer and carbon materials.

Laboratory of physical chemistry of natural polymers

Research Director: Nickolay Petrovich Novoselov
E-mail: organika@sutd.ru
Tel./Fax: +7 (812) 315-10-92 , +7 (812) 315-06-65
Address: 18 Bolshaya Morskaya st., Saint-Petersburg, 191186, Russia.

Research subjects in 2020-2022

  • Creation of new polymer materials for chemical technology, biotechnology and resource saving.

Areas of scientific activity

  • Formation of scientific bases of technologies of polymer materials from renewable raw materials;
  • Physical and chemical bases of technological parameters of synthesis of high-molecular compounds of plant monomers;
  • Study of the process of dissolution of natural polymers (cellulose, chitosan, fibroin) in solvents of various chemical nature.
  • Research of natural polymers and its mixtures in solvents.

The final cause is to obtain solutions suitable for technological processing them into fibers and films. In addition to binary systems triple systems are also being studied which include co-solvents useful for developing solvents with a "working" lower viscosity that are environmentally safe and economical. Conducted researches will allow us to develop a technology for the production of new fibers with improved performance characteristics.

The research uses methods of calorimetry, viscometry, infrared spectroscopy and methods of numerical experiments - quantum chemistry and molecular dynamics.

The research experience can be applied when

  • conducting theoretical and experimental researches of the properties, process of dissolution and mixing of natural polymers;
  • development of technological process of production of fiber and film materials based on natural polymers (polysaccharides, polypeptides) and their mixtures;
  • analysis of the physical and chemical compatibility of the components of polymer mixtures mainly based on natural polymers.

Laboratory of Environmental Chemistry and Biotechnology

E-mail: eco@sutd.ru
Tel./Fax: +7 (812) 315-02-92
Address: 18 Bolshaya Morskaya st., Saint-Petersburg, 191186, Russia.

Research subjects in 2020-2022

  • Solving the problems of environmental protection in the textile and light industry with using of objects and methods of biotechnology.

Areas of scientific activity

  • formation of physical and chemical bases and technologies of excess activated sludge and sewage sludge utilization, as well as bottom sediments of rivers and channels with heavy metal pollution;
  • scientific basis of synthesis and practical application of low-temperature fiber catalyst for prevention of environmental pollution processes;
  • providing theoretical justification and technical solutions of problems of recultivation of waste technical solutions and waste water disposal using chemical, photochemical and photocatalytic decomposition of toxic components, as well as modeling these processes;
  • identification of schemes and development of technical solutions for complex wastewater treatment including highly alkaline from organic impurities, petroleum products, dyes, etc., using the flotation and cavitation method of wastewater treatment;
  • intensification of heat and mass transfer processes using woven contact devices of various design.

Office of research and contract monitoring

Head: Nina Viktorovna Pereborova

Tel./Fax: +7 (812) 315-74-70 , +7 (812) 315-13-74
Address: office 301, 18 Bolshaya Morskaya st., 191186, Saint-Petersburg, Russia.

Office hours:
Tue 11:00-13:00
Thu 15:00-17:00

Functions and tasks:

  • assistance at training of qualified specialists and scientific and pedagogical personnel at the level of higher and postgraduate education;
  • promotion of professional development of the faculty and research staff of Ƶ;
  • coordination, planning and monitoring of the university's research work;
  • promoting students' research work;
  • promoting the improvement of international, interuniversity and interdepartmental scientific relations, integration of university and academic science.